sábado, 12 de enero de 2019

La historia de mi vida para Robert Plant. (See it again, Rob, please).

Robert, I´ve been looking for you because I have something important to say about what I called Conceta´s Project. I can´t go running to get you whatever you are, man! Instead I wrote Jimmy to explain a couple situations. Stop complaining with Jimmy, I need to say you the truth now! We could be cousins!

My conctact info:

Love U. I sayd same to Jimmy.

Lucy de Plantagenet.

Son las 3:01 a.m. Espero que esté lista … la lectura de la cena.

Rapidly. I´m going … It´s 3:00 a.m. I´ll write down a brief.

When I was a child I used to lived at Ibagué, Colombia. My dad found a job as a surgeon at the Federico Lleras Hospital and got a good wage so he bought a house at La Pola neightborhood, the more important one at tha 2 million population city at the time. The house had an english style inside, it was made in bricks, and I loved to be at the first one because it had a big “homeroom” and a backyard more like a terrace, not with trees but with a wide view to the street, as the house was build on a mountain, the terrace seemed to be a second floor. The terrace was separated from the homeroom for a big window with sliding doors that permits light enter through the place. Inside the homerrom were a huge L sofa covered in an orange velvet with its armchair and an oval center glass supported on a wooden structure. “Wow! You were rich!”. Let me finished my description. With a bife. My mother liked to called it that way because it sounds as a french word. At the top it had little doors with glasses decorated with white strips organized as rhombs I liked it too much. We had a chimney and any decoration on bricks walls or into the new mobiliary. My mom just bought some new silverware and climbing up a couple stairs there was a mezanine with the dining room table, again oval design and 6 chairs in red velvet. There was a new tableware, a washing maching at the proper room whatever … I never went into the kitchen … I was 3 years old, 1974. A white and black tv at my parents room, I can´t remember the beds … an “Estralandia” game with lots of brick to construct english houses at scale! And my trycicle. My dad bougt a Nissan Patrol, I don´t remember to travel on it, and we bougth Canada Dry … ah! And had a big bottle of water! We don´t even eat! My mom was proud. My dad went to work all day long and came at night to drink his Canada Dry! Most of the time I was for myself because my mom did not play a lot. I remember once she was at the laundry, and thats all. I used to pass going round and round on the trycicle only to see clouds turn in an opposite way. Once I stay along at the house, I did not see my mom, then I looked over the terrace wall and there she was, out of the house, then I saw the house door and oh-oh, I think I was going to cry but I coudn´t. My dad brought some little liquor bottles and put them on the chimney, some one gave them to him as a gift but anyone drunk at this family so I open them and felt the same sensation as when I rode my trycicle. I slept. At night we turn on the tv to see anchor, Margarita Vidal, interviewing important people. I loved technology since then. I like to see how all appliances funtion.

End of the first part. This is a big effort!

“Hope you appreciated!” - Thanks for the help.
Next entry is going to be about we travelling to settle at Bogotá, same year after Christmas.


“why you do this?” Because you asked me to do it and because Jimmy was working with me on my english hability, so I think this text is much better than the ones before. Hope I can send it up.

Oh! I was going to say that life by the time was cheaper, even cheaper at a small town, I think Ibague had like 600.000 population, if Bogotá had 2 million and New York 8 million people …

And my dad had a good salary as surgeon. Most of the people were rural. Little people went to high school by the time. To be a profesional was a huge achievement, and you could double if you had specialization. Public universities were relatively new, not for free but low cost, though it was a big effort for my grand parents who just knew to write and reed, and to sum and rest.

There were not too much physicians at the country, it was a public policy because they were needed so much.